Monday, November 3, 2008

If Christmas Can Last All Year...

I decided to continue the story. I hope it works. I decided to write the great American short story. If this continues to develop, oh my. So let me continue to torture you.

Part II

She started towards home by the light of the full moon. Nothing had prepared her for this feeling; it was so delicious she wished she could experience it again and again. And blood, well her blood, didn't taste half bad either.

She took out her mirror to check the wound out. Holding it near neck, she saw he was certainly a true gentleman of a vampire. He treated her with respect the whole time. Then she noticed something couldn't be...the mirror had to be dirty.

She reached the sidewalk and started to run as fast as she could. First of all she knew trouble may well be waiting when she got home; she wasn't even sure what time it was. While the bite was small, it was still perceivable, especially to her father's eyes. She wore it like a blue ribbon prize, with such pride, BUT that didn't mean she wanted to be yelled at for the rest of the evening. Secondly, it had to be late. He'd yell at her anyway and most likely treat her like she was six years old--send her to bed without any supper. She was hungry! Her father did make a beautiful steak in a rosemary marinade with a buttery baked potato. Oh man. Perhaps if she behaved sweetly, covered the wound...and massaged her shoulders (eww!), she could get that for dinner. Rare of course! Wait a second, she liked her steak well done. Okay, something seemed to be happening.

She reached the house. Took a deep breath. The porch light was on, as were other lights. She took another deep breath and twisted the doorknob. Tentatively she took a step inside the door and in a tone braver than she felt, called, "Dad, I'm home!!" He came down the stairs in a much lighter mood than she expected. Especially since the clock read seven o'clock already and she should have been home at 3:30. He gave her a hug and a kiss (what???)and said, "Welcome home beautiful!" She returned the hug and kiss rather quizzically. "How does steak sound honey?"

"Well, I guess you read my mind Dad." No word about the late hour. Something WAS weird. "Oh, and, umm...make my steak medium rare." She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Look in the living room; we have a guest for dinner." They never had guests. He usually threw something together and expected her to be tantalized. Steak was his thing, but it was rare he made it. "Go into the living room and talk with him; he's rather interesting. I met him on the way home."

She slowly walked into the living room. And smiled. It was her handsome stranger. This explained everything. Sitting down next to him, she suck a quick peck on his cheek. He turned and shook his head a little, frowning. So she attempted a little conversation. Now he smiled somewhat.

"So you've met my father?" He nodded. "Well, that's good." Again, a nod. "I know you hypnotized him." A third nod. "So what did you tell him about yourself? I barely know anything..."; he placed a finger to her lips.

"Well, you know the most important thing about me. But not all, that is true. It may be that you know more than your father though." He smiled briefly and continued as good smells wafted from the kitchen. "My name, as I'm sure you've been dying to know, is Kristoff Kulivic. I am originially from Bulgaria, having been born there approximately 350 years ago, give or take a decade." At that she smiled briefly and then covered her mouth as she giggled. He removed her hand and smiled at her. "That is delightul; never hide that." She smiled again.

She turned to face him and ask him another question. "Well when did..." "Dinner's ready!" She started to stand up and he put out his hand to her and helped her up. He was really such a gentleman. Then she showed him the way to the dining room.

Everything looked delicious. The steak smelled divine and the potatoes perfect. Her father indicated which was her and she pierced it with the serving fork. A little blood appeared to run out. She licked her lips. Then she plopped it onto her plate. Grinning she reached for a baked potato. "Dad, this all looks so wonderful." Kristoff agreed, nodding. She took a bite. And promptly sneezed. He did the same, except more violently.

"Oh yes, I used a little garlic this time."

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