Monday, July 9, 2007

disgusting politics

I received an e-mail (needless to say a forward) from someone who I thought was freethinking enough to avoid such utter...crap. It was stating the "facts" about Barack Obama.

Good grief, he has Muslim heritage. Big deal. Let's look at the Articles of Faith of my religion-- I am a proud Latter-Day Saint, aka a Mormon. But call me LDS. Number 2. "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression." This is to say we should be punished for what we do as individuals...not for the sins of our fathers. This is not to say that being a Muslim is a sin. It is a religion with some very good beliefs. As with any belief system it has been corrupted over time by certain individuals who end up giving it a bad name.

I haven't sorted out just who I want to vote for yet, but I do know I will do my research. Anyone that places hatred as a way to try and get my vote will be on the heck no list. It disgusts me that we have to stoop to such horrific levels. Remember. Once the Catholics were a reviled religion and for some people they still are. But we got John F. Kennedy in the White House and he did some good. Not as much as he could have, but when your life is cut's a viable excuse. There were worries that the Pope would control JFK's doings.

Now we have the issues of an LDS candidate for the White House. I don't like Mitt Romney's politics so I will not be voting for him. I have my free right to say No to him. Just because someone is my religion does not make him OR her the perfect person.

And then there is Obama. Study for yourself and do not blindly accept a candidate just for the religion he or she believes (or does not believe) in. Do not blindly accept a person because of his or her political affiliation. Learn who best supports what YOU believe in...and sincerely study it out.

If you want to vote for the vampire candidate...go ahead.

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